The Beaumont Med Spa was established in 2022 with the intent of offering a space for individualized, customized wellness and aesthetics. It is currently located within Lebanon’s Historic Square and aims to maintain a thorough approach for wellness and beauty, focusing on improving overall health from the inside out. Service emphasis encompasses hormone health, weight loss and nutrient replacement, as well as a wide range of skin care, facial treatments and therapies.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), also known as bioidentical hormone therapy or natural hormone therapy, is a medication therapy that uses naturally sourced, plant derived hormones (typically from yam root) to replace low levels of circulating hormones. They are molecularly identical to your endogenous hormones, meaning they bind to the same receptors and elicit the same responses in your body. Treatment is individualized, well-tolerated and produces exceptional symptom reversal in most cases. 

Semaglutide is one of the most talked about weight loss therapies in 2023. It has been deemed the “miracle drug” for weight management, working to combat insulin resistance, leading to weight loss. We offer semaglutide as part of our weight management program to qualifying patients, as well as several other additional services and therapies, such as the B-lean IV infusion, Lipo-Trim and Lipo-Plus.

Peptides can be classified for specific body systems, including endocrine peptides, cardiovascular peptides, neuropeptides, etc. When peptides are administered, certain actions are accelerated at the cellular level, leading to increased speed in healing, growth, and rejuvenation. There are several peptide therapies available at The Beaumont Med Spa.

Are you ready to relax? We offer a variety of skincare services, including facials, microneedling and medical grade skincare. We’ll keep your skin looking it’s best!

The Beaumont Med Spa offers Diamond tip Microdermabrasion and Hydro-infusion Facials in addition to the use of ultrasound and cold therapy. A combination of these techniques allow us to give your skin the best glow possible. 

PRP (platelet rich plasma) therapy is used to encourage and expedite your body’s natural healing processes. There are multiple advantages to PRP therapy, including stimulating collagen production, improving skin texture and complexion, improving scarring and decreasing fine lines and wrinkles.

Neuromodulators, also referred to as neurotoxins, have been FDA approved for use in the cosmetic treatment for glabellar frown lines - the wrinkles between the eyebrows, the crows feet around the lateral areas of the eyes, and the frontalis muscles - the lines across the forehead.

Fillers can be used to achieve natural and subtle facial enhancement. They can be utilized to improve and restore volume loss, particularly in the lips and cheeks. Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers are typically used as they have a soft texture and create beautiful results.

IV therapy, also referred to as intravenous therapy, IV nutrition, IV therapy or IV nutrient therapy, can have a wide range of health benefits. Nutrient deficiencies are common, leading to individuals not getting the essential nutrients their bodies need to perform optimally.

We offer hormone replacement, weight loss, hair restoration services.

We also have a FITNESS PROGRAM put together for men that uses Sermorelin in addition to amino acids and additional peptides. Our trials have been successful in producing better gains in endurance and gains in the gym!

PRP injections are now being utilized as a therapeutic option to treat hair loss. They are considered safe, effective, all without the use of steroids.

PRP injections have been shown to:

  • decrease hair shedding

  • stimulates new hair growth

  • increase the thickness of the hair follicle

The Beaumont offers same day, convenient, in office lab services. Typically, results take 3-5 days to result. We will call you with results to discuss what they mean and how they are integrated into your customized treatment plan. 

We also now offer genetic testing. Genetic testing looks at specific genes that can be influenced by diet, nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle behaviors. This information helps our providers create a plan to improve your health, prevent future conditions, and help you achieve your wellness goals.

Medical Director:
Dr. Nicholas Tarola

Dr. Tarola is a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery to enhance the beauty of his patients by providing them with natural and individual results. He believes that an open relationship with each patient is necessary so that goals and expectations can be clearly communicated.

Welcome to your own beautiful mountain,

The Beaumont Med Spa.

Our name comes from Old French beu bel “fair lovely” + mont “Hill”.
The Beaumont = Beautiful Mountain